NOPPAL is een platform voor in het Noorden van Nederland woonachtige immigranten die besmet zijn met het HIV-virus.

Haar werkterrein strekt zich uit over de drie Noordelijke provincies Groningen, Friesland en Drenthe.
De belangrijkste doelstelling is het bieden van psychologische, medische en sociale ondersteuning door hun een platform ter beschikking te stellen om zich te uiten, om de draad van hun leven weer op te pakken en hun talenten en kennis te benutten ten dienste van anderen.
Heel wat seropositieve mensen worden sociaal gezien buitengesloten, want er is rondom deze ziekte een enorm taboe ontstaan, waardoor de positieven in zichzelf gekeerd zijn en zij hun toestand niet goed kunnen verwerken doordat zij het gevoel hebben er door anderen op aangekeken te worden.
Daarom wil NOPPAL zich actief inzetten en er door gericht informatie aan bijdragen dat een HIV-besmetting door de omgeving als een normale aandoening beschouwd gaat worden. Wij willen mensen die seropositief zijn ertoe brengen zich over hun aandoening te uiten, hun ervaringen te delen met andere seropositieve mensen en hun omgeving. Wij willen een gastvrij kader scheppen waarbinnen alle mensen die besmet zijn met het HIV-virus (jongeren zowel als ouderen, evenzeer homoseksuelen als heteroseksuelen) liefde, warmte, troost en levensvreugde vinden.
Wij willen hen helpen sociaal te reïntegreren door werk en allerlei activiteiten.
Wij willen hen helpen zich beter te integreren en solidair te zijn met andere seropositieve mensen.
Wij willen mensen met HIV een luisterend oor bieden en ondersteunen met informatie over hun aandoening, zodat zij kunnen leren er beter mee om te gaan.
Tenslotte willen we iedereen die zich daar nog niet van op de hoogte is informeren over het dagelijkse leven van iemand die seropositief is en laten zien dat zo’n leven niet noodzakelijk verschillend is van dat van anderen.

Play Online Blackjack Money Reel

Is there anything better than online blackjack games? Even after a few hundred years online blackjack or "21" remains as popular as ever. This casino game of chance doesn't "scale back" and continues to win new and new online casinos. The rules of online blackjack games are really easy to remember. It is true that you will not find any land-based or online establishment without this game with interesting rules. Whether you play online blackjack for real money or for free, the software developers have dozens of templates for you to play. In this article we offer you to learn more about this wonderful entertainment. Read on and we will reveal the secret blackjack strategies!

Online Blackjack: Purpose and Rules

Online blackjack is one of the most popular casino games where the goal is to win at the dealer who presents the house. The game is quite simple, but interesting. The player has to know the rules well and have skills, but at the same time he has to be lucky to receive good cards. This is the reason why this entertainment continues to win the hearts of the players. The rules of online blackjack do not differ much from those of the standard version.

We offer you to play real money online blackjack - we have different levels of betting and varieties available. Play at single and multiplayer tables, as well as in a live casino Here every player will find a suitable game! You can also play for free. Below you will find a list of available blackjack flavours. Choose one of them and win big prizes.

Online Blackjack Casino - Briefly

In the game of real money online blackjack you play against the dealer. Your main goal is to get the most points without exceeding 21 at the same time. This is done by counting all the cards in the player's hand. If you have more than 22, you lose. The 21 combination is called "Online Blackjack". It is the best combination that gives you a payout of 50% of your bet. As for the card values, they are as follows:

  • Ace - 1 or 11 points
  • Queen, Jack, King - 10 points
  • other cards have their nominal values

The process of playing blackjack online is quite interesting and easy. A game does not last long. First the player makes his bet, then he and the dealer are dealt two cards. One of the dealer's cards is face up, while the other remains face down. If his open card is worth 10 or 11 points, he can look at the closed one to see if he has a 21. If he has an ace, the player has the option of buying 'insurance'. In this case he receives the 2:1 winnings, but loses his initial bet. If you think it's too complicated, then try playing casino roulette - it's always easy and fun!

If the dealer does not have an ace, the game continues. The player in online blackjack games can do the following actions:

  1. Stand - if the player has 21 points he uses this option and ends the game.
  2. Hit - the option to take one more card.
  3. Double - the player doubles his bet and takes a card. Then the game is over.

Split - this option becomes available when the player has two cards of the same value. In this case he can split them into two hands. He doubles his bet, receives two more cards and plays with two hands. However, there is a small nuance here that needs to be mentioned. If the player has two aces and splits them, he receives only one card.

After the player, it is the dealer's turn to play. He opens his hole card. If the sum of the points is less than or equal to 16, he takes a card. This is done until he has more than 17 points. If he has 21, he wins. In other cases the points of the player and the dealer are compared. The one who has the most points, but not more than 21, wins. If it is the player, he wins his doubled bet. In case of a tie, the player receives his original bet. Playing blackjack online is an incredible pleasure that can be combined with usefulness! Win real money online blackjack site!